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4단계 BK21사업

국제화 현황

해외석학 초빙
사업기간 성명 소속기관 소속기관 소재국가 초빙기간 활용내용
3차년도 Seongjae Ko The University of Tokyo Japan 2022.05.03. 세미나(상온용융수화물 (Hydrate melt) 개발 방향성)
3차년도 Juan Bisquert Universitat Jaume I Spain 2022.11.24. 세미나(Hysteresis, memory and synapses in ionic electronic halide perovskite devices)
3차년도 Shi Zhang Qiao The University of Adelaide Australia 2022.11.25. 세미나(Nanomaterial Design and Innovation for Electrocatalytic Refinery)
3차년도 Jungho Kim University of Wollongong Australia 2022.12.27. 세미나(Porous Materials for Energy Applications)
4차년도 Ilpyo Rho Washington University in St. Louis USA 2023.03.29. 세미나(Freestanding Nanomembranes for Material Innovation)
5차년도 Moon Kim The University of Texas at Dallas USA 2024.04.04. 세미나(In-situ TEM/STEM Study of Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials and NanoArt)
5차년도 Guangchen Xu John Wiley & Sons, Inc. China 2024.05.20. 세미나(Navigating the Path to Publication in High-Impact Journals)
5차년도 Eui Hyun Suh Georgia Institute of Technology USA 2024.10.10. 세미나(Role of interfaces in soft photoelectrodes for water splitting)
5차년도 Jianqiang Chen Nanjing Forestry University China 2024.10.14. 세미나(Rice-husk derived Core-shell Structured Silicon-carbon Nanoparticles for High-performance LIBs Anode and Possible Industrialization by Continuous Processing)
5차년도 Henk J. Bolink University of Valencia SPAIN 2024.10.29. 세미나(Vapor phase deposited single junction and tandem perovskite solar cells)
5차년도 YOUNG-SOO CHANG Argonne National Laboratory USA 2024.11.04. 세미나(Non-renewable and Renewable Energy Development and Their Environmental Impacts)
5차년도 INSANG YOU University of Waterloo Canada 2024.12.23. 세미나(A facile route to Plastic Inorganic Electrolytes based on Molecular Design for ASSB)
5차년도 Jung Ho KIM University of Wollongong Australia 2025.01.06. 세미나(Porous materials for high energy batteries: Advancing Si and Li metal Electrodes)
5차년도 Jung Ho KIM University of Wollongong Australia 2025.01.07. 세미나(Everlasting Living and Breathing Gyroid 3D Network Si@SiOx /C Nanoarchitecture for Paving the Way to High Energy Lithium Storage Materials)
참여대학원생 장·단기 연수
대학원생 성명 학위과정 연수기간 연수기관 파견국
양*휘 박사 20210530-20210603 239th ECS meeting USA & Digital Meeting
노*훈, 양*솔, 오*규, 정*민, 최*건, 김*익, 황*성, 명*철, 이*규, 유*우 석박사통합 20220508~20220513 2022 MRS SPRING Meeting & Exhibit USA
김*태, 이*림 석사 20220529-20220602 241st ECS Meeting Canada
양*휘 박사 20220626-20220701 IMLB 2022 21st International Meeting on Lithium Batteries Australia
이*빈 석박사통합 20220626-20220701 IMLB 2022 21st International Meeting on Lithium Batteries Australia
한*문 석박사통합 20221009-20221013 242nd ECS Meeting USA
이*규, 이*준, 정*민 석박사통합 20221115-20221118 ICCCI 2022 Japan
이*빈, 김*민 석박사통합 20221128-20221201 JEOL TEM Maker Training Japan
이*준 석박사통합 20221215-20221220 The University of Adelaide, The University of New South Wales 단기연수 Australia
김*찬 석박사통합 20230109-20230113 ASU 2023 HREM Winter School USA
김*익 석박사통합 20230410~20230414 2023 MRS SPRING Meeting & Exhibit USA
마*혁, 박*민, 오*언 석박사통합 20230528~20230602 243rd ECS Meeting USA
유* 석사 20230528~20230602 243rd ECS Meeting USA
이*민, 이*성 석박사통합 20230529~20230602 2023 E-MRS SPRING Meeting France
김*휘, 한*진 석박사통합 20230709~20230729 SAF-Materials Science & Nanotechnology Program USA
김*호 박사 20231008~20231012 244th ECS Meeting Sweden
박*석 박사 20240311~20241007 University of Wollongong 장기연수 Australia
박*아, 전*기 석박사통합 20241006~20241011 ECS PRiME 2024 USA
이*규 석박사통합 20241107~20241110 Ca' Foscari University of Venice 단기연수 Italy
이*규 석박사통합 20241112~20241115 MATSUS Fall 24 Switzerland