3차년도 |
Seongjae Ko |
The University of Tokyo |
Japan |
2022.05.03. |
세미나(상온용융수화물 (Hydrate melt) 개발 방향성) |
3차년도 |
Juan Bisquert |
Universitat Jaume I |
Spain |
2022.11.24. |
세미나(Hysteresis, memory and synapses in ionic electronic halide perovskite devices) |
3차년도 |
Shi Zhang Qiao |
The University of Adelaide |
Australia |
2022.11.25. |
세미나(Nanomaterial Design and Innovation for Electrocatalytic Refinery) |
3차년도 |
Jungho Kim |
University of Wollongong |
Australia |
2022.12.27. |
세미나(Porous Materials for Energy Applications) |
4차년도 |
Ilpyo Rho |
Washington University in St. Louis |
2023.03.29. |
세미나(Freestanding Nanomembranes for Material Innovation) |
5차년도 |
Moon Kim |
The University of Texas at Dallas |
2024.04.04. |
세미나(In-situ TEM/STEM Study of Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials and NanoArt) |
5차년도 |
Guangchen Xu |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
China |
2024.05.20. |
세미나(Navigating the Path to Publication in High-Impact Journals) |
5차년도 |
Eui Hyun Suh |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
2024.10.10. |
세미나(Role of interfaces in soft photoelectrodes for water splitting) |
5차년도 |
Jianqiang Chen |
Nanjing Forestry University |
China |
2024.10.14. |
세미나(Rice-husk derived Core-shell Structured Silicon-carbon Nanoparticles for High-performance LIBs Anode and Possible Industrialization by Continuous Processing) |
5차년도 |
Henk J. Bolink |
University of Valencia |
2024.10.29. |
세미나(Vapor phase deposited single junction and tandem perovskite solar cells) |
5차년도 |
Argonne National Laboratory |
2024.11.04. |
세미나(Non-renewable and Renewable Energy Development and Their Environmental Impacts) |
5차년도 |
University of Waterloo |
Canada |
2024.12.23. |
세미나(A facile route to Plastic Inorganic Electrolytes based on Molecular Design for ASSB) |
5차년도 |
Jung Ho KIM |
University of Wollongong |
Australia |
2025.01.06. |
세미나(Porous materials for high energy batteries: Advancing Si and Li metal Electrodes) |
5차년도 |
Jung Ho KIM |
University of Wollongong |
Australia |
2025.01.07. |
세미나(Everlasting Living and Breathing Gyroid 3D Network Si@SiOx /C Nanoarchitecture for Paving the Way to High Energy Lithium Storage Materials) |